We go to school only to find out at a later stage that life is not only about completing homework and getting thrashed up by teachers and mom. Then we go to college to enjoy the so called freedom of life. Its more than bemuses everyone that its upto each one how to choose the path of freedom. No one is going to force you to attend lectures. Sometimes, even the terms are not mandatory. That period is only to make you realize that life is not so much freedom everytime and everywhere.
Sometimes, I wonder, why do we first attend kindergarten, then schools, then colleges, then work, and then retire. Why can’t we retire at the very beginning, then after we are bored of the retirement, work a bit. Now when we have a bit of money we have ourselves admitted to the colleges. And having learnt wisdom, we can then attend schools to have all the fun and relaxation and then die peacefully without any tensions and burdens. Life would be so hilarious then!
The whole concept of life, or for that matter, any individual thing in aspect, is based on advancement. We call it as revolution or may be invention. First we make the wheel, and then we make rolling carts and then finally a car and then a better car. And this is the sole reason, why we go to school first and not retire. So that we know how to talk, walk, dress up. And then to college, so that we know how to use the freedom, how to judge the world outside. And then to work so that we can try to materialize everything we have learnt for all these years. And then finally retire after having the satisfaction of knowing and doing all the things we were supposed to do in a lifetime.
Yet I guarantee you that almost 99% of the people including me, will realize only at the end that it is not done yet. We would still be pining for more time, more money, and more of life. But life is on its way to the heaven. I have read it many a times that the “life is now” but have seldom been able to feel it, imbibe it and reveal it. It is so, so difficult. To read, it’s the simplest of thing and when it comes to practice what has been preached, it’s the most complex thing in the universe.
Life is a gift from God. Its upto us how we live it. Be a kid in the kindergarten or be an oldie in the old age home, wisdom seeks it all. The smallest (kid) and the oldest (oldie) are the people who donate nothing to the nation as such but are still the wisest of all.
If only I could seek retirement at this age (infact in the very childhood), I would have known why it is not so as I think.