Friday, October 16, 2009

Growing Up?

I remember when I was a kid I was so much excited about the Diwali celebrations and all the fuss around it. I used to go shopping with dad, wear new clothes on the auspicious occasion, take snaps, perform pooja, visit relatives, fire crackers, play around; it was fun all the way. But as years passed, I have stopped lighting crackers. I do celebrate it but probably not with even half of the zeal I used to in past years. It has become a mere formality now. What has happened?

And here, I am not talking just about me, but about the entire generation in all. We could see for ourselves how low was the enthusiasm level for Ganapati and Holi celebrations this year (may be Swine Flu was just the reason of time), then the new years? I remember I used to get enthralled during new year eves by some or the other thing – may be it the all night drives on our bikes, eating Chinese, watching movies or just laying off and goofing up. But lately, I don’t even go out. Moreover, I don’t even watch a lot of TV on that day (yes, TV is the ultimate time pass on new year’s eve). All the excitement has been dampened by God knows what. Is it the increased wisdom, or just a lull in this phase of life I call it as quarter-life crisis(, or is it just the matter of fact that we are grownups now? I don’t know what, but surely I am not happy with all these things.

I mean, yesterday while returning from office, I saw some kids lighting fire crackers, running around and having absolute fun. They were totally engrossed with the ‘Diwali’ thing. I mean what more a kid can ask for – the exams are over, they have got a decent 18 day Diwali vacation, they have got new clothes; it is all exciting. Looking at them I was kind of bemused as to why I can’t be the same way they are. Why can’t I leave back all my worries and just go and enjoy.  And I was clueless. I laid on bed thinking about this which made me all the more depressed. Had some ‘Arrested Development’ episodes to change my mood and then I ended my day.

Also during my last birthday few months back when I turned 24, I felt the same. I had all my friends, relatives, parents having a ball party for this occasion and probably I was only person who was least excited about it. I also had a mention of this in (

It is a down trend in all the things. Whether it’s shopping or visiting relatives, or celebrating occasions. Or is it the change in the season after your teenage is over? I mean, the things I used to like, I don’t like them anymore. And now, I like new things. I love watching movies, I love partying with age old friends, I love blogging; which I used to do it earlier too but not in the volume as I do it now.

Right :-) So here I get the equation of life. Probably, this is a phase where we tend to shed our old values, thoughts, hobbies and move on to a new life. A new beginning with a new thought ideology, a new wisdom, a new process, new dreams. Probably much bigger than we earlier had.

This is probably what they call - ‘growing up’.

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