Friday, December 31, 2010

Adios 2010

Hello friends,
Today, yet another fruitful (supposed to say so) year comes to a marvelous end. And again, it’s time to celebrate the year bygone and the new year that is at the dawn.

The year 2010 (MMX) was popularly called as the International Year of Youth true to its spirit seeing some youth coming forward in each of the diversified culture. This year saw some major heart breaking and mind blowing events like the opening of Burj Khalifa in Dubai, a devastative earthquake in Haiti which took the lives of over 2.5 lac people, volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajökull (weird name haan) which disrupted European air traffic, Air India flight running down from the runway in Mangalore killing almost all passengers but 8, Spain winning the FIFA World Cup and WikiLeaks becoming public and creating havoc by publishing secret and confidential cases. As US market started to boom up slowly and steadily, this year also saw the European economy slowing down.

Personally, this year had been hard and strict with many turbulences and now it is gone once and for all. It was this year when I hit the quarter life crisis which changed many a things for me personally. I came to know why is it called ‘crisis’. It has taught me and I believe many of us to look forward, not to sulk on the past, to believe strongly and have an uncanny faith and desire in your yourself. Drive a success path personally, professionally as well as financially. So friends, let bygones be bygones, grow over your weaknesses and insecurities, work upon your strengths, get healed of your heartbreaks, inculcate the feeling of love and fondness. Keep learning something new, revive the old, be fresh, be friendly, be flexible, be strong. Make resolutions and stick to them just to keep yourself determined, make promises and fulfill them because it is not always that your tongue weighs more than anything else in the world, look after your health because there is nothing much you can achieve without it, set goals for yourself to keep you focused. Welcome new, welcome the change. Change has been declared to be good :-). But for now be a part of the bigger celebration.

I wish all my near and dear ones and my readers a very happy and a prosperous new year. May you find the courage to step forward towards your dreams and hope they come true one fine day. Cheers and have a blast. :-)

Adios 2010.

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