Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mondays are not always blue

We all have felt the blues while going to office on Mondays some or the other time (probably most of the times), didn’t we? This is because, our life during the weekends is more joyous compared to the weekdays. After a wholesome week of tiring work, cutting deadlines, boss’s tantrums and meetings and presentation’s overhead, it feels great to be on a holiday of two days to take a break; more of a mental one than physical. During this holiday (so called weekend), we try to relax ourselves by watching a movie or treating ourselves, a little bit of shopping, a little bit of household chores and largely by just lying around lazily. And hence, when this period comes to an end we start feeling sad and low and the after effect is the ‘Monday Blues’ when we are about to go to office on Monday morning.

But this is not always true. When weekends start to get boring, when you have no special plans over the weekend, when you have nothing to look forward to, and when all your friends make plans with other friends, the yearning for going to office on Monday becomes the most looking-forward-to moment. You start looking for outlook mails and appointments for the upcoming week and the communicator suddenly seems more interesting. It feels safe and good to be in office doing your usual routine (read boring) work rather than sitting at home idle, sulking over petty issues and giving your little brain a darn heavy exercise. In this, case certainly Monday blows life back into you taking you back on track. That could be just for a while, but yes, truly plausible.

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