Monday, January 07, 2013

Emotion'al Atyaachaar

Emotions play a vital role in human being's life. Anger, love, affection, care, jealousy, infatuation and the list goes on. Without emotions a life is just a mere puppet. Emotions define a human being to what he or she is and would be. Controlling emotions and diverting them to the best of your self being is very important but at the same time the most difficult task.

Anger is an emotion which can be psychologically interpreted as being sad or denied and a general tendency of retaliation. In excess, anger created havoc and wrath. It uses up a lot of brain's power and hence has been proved useless most of the times. Anger can be used to the best of you and society. Anger can be converted into positive energy if one wants to. But trust me it is not that easy. Love; the more I say the incomplete it would be. My idea of love is inspired by mother's love. The one which is selfless no matter what. She can bear the pain of any and everything in this entire world to make you happy. She knows kids are going to change once they grow up and might or might not return the same amount of love to them. They might even not stay with parents or even acknowledge their kindness they have showered on the kids for all these years. Life needs to be selfless, if it is selfish it is not love. You love someone and still do not expect anything from him or her is the true sentiment of love. It gives you uncanny spirit and power and a feeling of self-satisfaction. Being selfless also has its own challenges. The person you love might not love you back, he or she might love someone else or even worse he or she might hate you. So you need to deal with it but being selfless in the truest sense can take care of this scenario as well. Care comes naturally if you love an individual. You care for your parents, siblings because you love them. Care is a commodity which makes you feel responsible for someone else's well-being  Jealousy is probably one of the very important emotions. It is the byproduct of love and affection. My idea of jealousy is either you confront or leave it at the bay. Confronting will take that load off your heart and mind. Leaving it at the bay will cause you a lot of pain and a lot of thought process followed by a lot of mental chaos. But somehow it is a sensible choice given the circumstances. You anyways cannot do much of the feeling as I said earlier it is a wasted emotion.

Those were my two cents on emotions. I chose to write it down as I am myself not feeling pumped up. So instead of selecting a hunky dory topic I decided to go for a rather subdued topic. Adios for now.

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