Saturday, January 12, 2013

Traveller's Mind

Travelling is inspirational and it influences you in various ways. It has profound effect not only on body but on mind and soul as well. You get a chance to see the unusual and non-monotonous. I would urge everyone to travel a lot when time and body allows. Go and visit new places, meet new people, see new things, be a part of new cultures. You will be amazed by the way people think, the way they act and see things in different ways. Eat new types of food, feel their pain and challenges, understand their economy and politics, use their transportation, read their newspapers. It is a heavenly feeling. You will be a changed person once you return. It allows you to get out of your normal comfort zone and see life and everything else at an altogether different tangent. You understand the emotions a lot deeper, you understand yourself a lot clearer. The confusions that you might have had for ages are gone and now you know what you exactly desire. It helps your brains to be flushed out and body to be sloshed out so that when you come back you can revive an altogether different and new you. You can start afresh. It brings the various faces of people in front of you. You get to know people whom you never knew and you get to know the real faces of people whom you always knew and once admired. It’s magical. It’s divine. The glooming lights of the city's night life make a permanent place in your heart and mind and you kind of fall in love with the city. Not because it is one of the most beautiful cities you have ever seen but for the experience it endows upon you. Once you are back to the basics you exactly know what amendments you need to make or what things you need to learn new. You start knowing yourself a little more than you ever had. Back to the basics and waiting for the next adventure. Adios.

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